NCCER Maritime Structural Fitting

NCCER Structural Fitting and Structural Welding


224 hours (14 weeks)

Min Attendee


Max Attendee




Course Description:

Welding Safety (29101-09): Covers safety equipment, protective clothing, and procedures applicable to the cutting and welding of metals.

Oxyfuel Cutting (29102-09): Explains the safety requirements for oxyfuel cutting. Identifies oxyfuel cutting equipment and setup requirements. Explains how to light, adjust, and shut down oxyfuel equipment. Trainees will perform cutting techniques that include straight line, piercing, bevels, washing, and gouging.

Introduction to Structural Fitter Drawings (86103-14): Recognize and identify basic fabrication drawing terms, components, basic lines, symbols, and bills of material. Identifies various drawing views such as plan, elevation, section, and details.


Students must:

  • be 18+
  • be eligible to work in the US
  • Describe basic welding processes, the welding trade, and training/apprenticeship programs
  • Identify PPE related to the welding trade
  • Identify welding safety practices related to specific hazards or environments
  • Describe oxyfuel cutting & related safe work practices
  • Identify oxyfuel cutting equipment and consumables
  • Set up, light, and shut down oxyfuel equipment
  • Perform various oxyfuel cutting procedures
  • Recognize and identify basic fabrication drawing terms, components, basic lines, symbols, and bills of material.
  • Identifies various drawing views such as plan, elevation, section, and details.

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